Bouquet of roses and daisy chrysanthemums - Grace939 939 |
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Сomposition: 3 red roses Gran Prix or Prestige, 2 branches of white chamomile Bacardi.
Decoration: red tracing paper, white ribbon.
This bouquet combines bright red roses and delicate white chrysanthemums. It is decorated in a stylish red package with a white ribbon. It will be a great choice for a holiday! Our bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums "Mercy" is perfect for holidays such as Birthday, March 8, September 1, Teacher's Day and Mother's Day or just as a pleasant surprise. Such a bouquet of flowers can be given to a loved one, mother, friend, colleague, teacher, sister-in-law and mother-in-law. It will bring joy and positive emotions to the person for whom you order flower delivery in any case.Ordering flowers is very easy and even if you are far away, your surprise will be special. These are not just flowers - this is your attention and warm emotions!
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