Bouquet of roses and chrysanthemums - First Love197 197 |
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Composition: 5 pink roses Aqua, 3 white chrysanthemum Baltika, 1 pink peony-flowered shrub rose Mimi Eden
Decoration: pink tissue paper, pink satin ribbon
The gentle white color of this bouquet symbolizes purity and innocence in all senses: the purity of relations, the purity of women, the purity of intentions and thoughts. The composition is perfect for expressing gratitude to a good person, as a gift for a first date, and also for simply improving your mood. It is enough to send such a bouquet to a sad girl in the heat of the weather to give her a joyful holiday on a summer sunny day. The composition includes roses, white chrysanthemum flowers and beautiful ornamental foliage. Allow yourself and your family a little innocent excitement - congratulate them with a good morning by sending this delicious white bouquet.
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Дуже дякую,все добре! Дякую за чесність,відповідальність і сумлінну працю!!!! P.S.Свято вдалось!!!!
Благодарим компанию SunRose за отличную работу, помощь в подборе букета, супер доставкой,сюрприз удался!!! Спасибо огромное, не первый раз заказываю, очень довольны вашим замечательным сервисом!!!
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