Bouquet of roses, orchids, hydrangeas and eustomy
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Сomposition: 17 pink roses Honey Moon, 9 bush creamy roses, 6 white eustoms, 3 blue hydrangeas, 10 orchids Vanda.
Decoration: purple tracing paper, purple satin ribbon.
Note: must be ordered 2 days in advance or earlier. This composition of the bouquet is not available in every city. The possibility of delivery check with the manager.
Original round bouquet , designed in a European spirit, emphasize your impeccable taste and give a lot of incredible emotions to one you love.Pink and cream roses combined with variegated purple orchids, blue hydrangea and white eustoma create an unforgettable and delightful composition. With such a bouquet you can congratulate with triumph or just make it an incredible surprise.
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