Bouquet of chrysanthemums
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Сomposition: 3 branches of white spray chrysanthemum Euro or Baltic, 3 branches of pink spray chrysanthemum Euro or Baltic, 3 branches of green spray chrysanthemum Santini, 3 branches of burgundy spray chrysanthemum Baltic, 3 branches of spray yellow chrysanthemum Baltica.
Decoration: white sisal, green satin ribbon.
Height: 70-80 cm
A real fountain of unforgettably bright positive emotions will give you this delightful bouquet. It will surely warm in cold time and refresh in the heat. A wonderful gift in itself or addition to the main gift, perfect for any occasion and any recipient. Give joy fountains with bouquets from SunRose flower salon.
+38 (067) 630 79 77
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+38 (067) 630 79 77
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