Bouquet of carnations, chrysanthemums, eustomas, roses and irises - Bright sun700 700 |
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Composition: 2 purple carnations, 3 pink chrysanthemum Bacardi, 2 white eustoma, 2 white spray rose, 4 blue irises, Rafaello candy as a gift.
Decoration: purple tracing paper, purple statice, purple satin ribbon.
"My sun!" - we say the most beloved people in our lives. The sun warms us in the spring and gives positive emotions in the autumn days. Sunlight illuminates the most pleasant moments and is associated with any improvements. Present a little sunlight to the recipient along with this bright summer flower arrangement and delicious sweets from Rafaello.
+38 (067) 630 79 77
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+38 (067) 630 79 77
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