101 roses Royal
Bouquet of wonderful 101 white roses
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Composition: 101 white rose Avalanche.
Length: 60 cm.
Decoration: liliac tracing paper, white satin ribbon.
Solemn symphony of white roses heralds the coming of the long-awaited moment of surprising and revealing unexpected secrets and revelations! 101 white rose is perfect for the most important events, as a magnificent gift to tell your recipient with respect and reverence, or the tenderness and sympathy, and the recognition that whisper fresh flowers, will be the most sincere.Flower delivery always gets an unexpected and pleasant surprise. Perhaps a bouquet of white roses it is your chance to tell about yourself, build a relationship with a loved one or reinforce long-standing friendship. Indeed royal bouquet of flowers.
+38 (067) 630 79 77
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+38 (067) 630 79 77
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